Sabbath Rest

Exodus 20:8

I grew up in a home that believed Sundays were special. Mom and Dad always took us to church on that day. I mean ALWAYS! It was the day we got dressed up in our Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes. We attended Sunday School Classes and worshiped together. After church and lunch, we would take a drive in our Chevy to spend a quiet Sunday afternoon as a family. Sometimes we would drive into the foothills of Colorado and hike around the hills or go ice skating on the frozen lakes or drive around Denver and look at homes for sale. Then, just as predictable as going to church, we would stop at the Creamery and get our whopping scoop of our favorite ice cream flavor for 5 cents. It was a special day.

Throughout the years, I have carried the idea of sabbath with me and incorporated its practice into our family life. Every home, every person, even our work and land need a time of rest, renewal, and worship. It does not eliminate our caring for others but energizes us to be people of compassion.

Did you know that the word “sabbath” is mentioned 153 times in the New International Version of the Bible? Sabbath means a day set aside for rest and worship. In the Genesis creation story, God rested on the seventh day—sabbath. In connection with the Ten Commandments, it says that six days you shall labor but the seventh is a sabbath to God—on that day you shall not work. “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.” (Exodus 20:8) My family knew that. I know that. You probably know that as well.

So how about making some small changes to your weekly schedule, if necessary. Help those around you find ways to bring worship of God and rest of bodies and souls on a weekly basis. Use the Sabbath Day for how God intended it to be. 

Prayer: Since the Scriptures speak so often of setting the Sabbath aside, whether the seventh day or the first day of the week, help me to shape my week around Sabbath, O God. Amen