But reaching for my Bible first, reading God’s Word to find hope and courage, better equips me to discern what it means to live in God’s world. It helps me separate the things that are from God and those things that are opposed to God’s Kingdom living.
Easter Living
New Life, Again!
This spring we have been watching the earth come to life—again! It always amazes us to see what seemed to be so dead, slowly bring on life. The trees begin their budding process before bursting into white or pink flowers or that bright green that just screams “new life!” The rhododendrons are beginning to bud—and today, the one in our backyard is bursting into a brilliant red and another is in full bloom in brilliant lilac colors!
Reconsidering the Death of Jesus
The Real Wrath of God
The LORD is in His Holy Temple
When I was a child, the phrase “The Lord is in His Holy Temple” was sung as an opening anthem or part of the liturgy for worship. It is a phrase that takes on special significance particularly when we seem to feel vulnerable or depressed or know that we have really blown it. Entering the doorway of the church, God’s holy temple, we discover something very powerful wrapped up in those words.
Peace, Joy, and Vigor!
The entire trip became an experience of finding God, praising God, and experiencing his presence in our walks along the Oregon coast. It is a joy, peace, and vigor that comes when we include God in the events and everydayness of our lives. Joy and peace help us see God as the giver and provider of all that is good.