Prayer Ministry
“The prayers of the righteous are powerful and effective...
—James 5.16”
prayers of Faith
The people of Faith pray “for the whole people of God, and for all people, according to their needs.” We pray collectively in worship. We pray with our families, and teach our children to pray. We pray with loved ones in the hospital. We pray during morning devotions and around the dinner table. At Faith, every Council meeting, committee meeting, Bible study, choir practice, and youth group begins and ends with prayer.
Prayer tunes us into what God is doing all around us. We ask God for what we want and for what we need, knowing that “God gives daily bread, even without our prayer, to all people, though sinful, but we [pray] that God will help us realize this and to receive our daily bread with thanks.” (Small Catechism).
pastoral Care and prayer
If you would like a pastoral visit or would like to schedule a time of prayer with a member of the pastoral staff at Faith, click here, or contact the church office, and a member of the staff will respond to you.
prayer chain
One hundred prayer partners are a click away. If you have a prayer request for healing, strength, comfort, or miracles, CLICK HERE to send your request. Or if you would like to be a part of our Prayer Chain ministry, CLICK HERE to sign up (Be sure to include your name and the best way to reach you).
The prayer chain usually handles two to four prayer requests per week As a Prayer Chain Minister, you are asked to include that request in your regular prayer time, and as often as the Spirit leads you.
Dear God, I lift up ______________ to you in my prayers, and entrust them to your loving care and provision. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.
prayer shawls
Faith also has loving, prayerful hands that create warm, soft, comforting prayer shawls and throws. These shawls have been blessed by the congregation in Sunday morning worship, and include a special gift and short prayer for the recipient.
Faith makes these shawls available at no cost to anyone wishing to provide comfort and assurance to a loved one or neighbor going through a difficult time of ill health, loss, or hospitalization. They are available at the church office Monday through Thursday, between the hours of 9am and noon, or on Sunday mornings before or after worship.
intercessory prayer
Every Tuesday at 9am, members of Faith gather for an hour of intercessory prayer: lifting up “the hopes and fears of all the years” to God in quiet prayer. You are invited to meet in the back of the sanctuary to join this powerful prayer ministry.
christ in our home
Faith offers a free daily devotional booklet called Christ in our Home, published by Augsburg Fortress.
Christ in Our Home is a quarterly devotional resource that encourages readers to live out their faith daily. Each reflective reading is accompanied by a daily scripture reference and prayer for the day that follows the Revised Common Lectionary.
You can also have one mailed directly to your home for $8.50/year. Subscribe today by calling (800) 328-4648.