Lutheran World Relief Projects
Members of Faith Lutheran Church support the amazing ministry of Lutheran World Relief in many ways. Twice a year the people of Faith collect and create dozens of quilts and health kits, then ship these precious items through Lutheran World Relief to people in need. Donations of supplies for these care kits can be dropped off at the church office. The kits are assembled every spring and fall.
"People who must flee their homes quickly often do not have time to pack essential items. Health kits can help refugees maintain personal hygiene while living in exile. Items may also contribute to a new start for those who can return home.” —LWR website
care kits
Personal Care Kits
One hand towel, dark color recommended
Two bath-size bar (4-5 oz.) of soap, any brand, in its original wrapping
One adult-size toothbrush in its original packaging
One comb, wide tooth preferred, remove packaging
One metal nail file or nail clippers with file attached, remove packaging (do not substitute cardboard emery boards for the file)
Baby Care Kits
Clothing in sizes 6-24 months including two footless gowns, two t-shirts, one jacket with a hood, two pairs of socks, and four cloth diapers.
One hand towel
Two baby blankets
Two bars of bath-sized bars of soap
Two diaper pins
LWR Quilts
“An LWR quilt is special! It brings warmth on a cold night, shelter from the sun on a hot day. It becomes a bed, a room divider, a backpack to carry belongings, and at times even a home.” —LWR website
The Sewing Saints meet every Thursday (January-May, September-October) at 10 am in the Sewing Room to make quilts for Project Comfort. These quilts are distributed worldwide to refugees and others in need. Bring your own lunch. Coffee, tea, and dessert are provided. The Sewing Saints enjoy talking and friendship while sewing quilts for persons around the world in need.
If you would like to donate materials for a quilt, the following are always needed:
Sheets for the backs 64"x84"
Blankets for the middles 60"x 80"
Fabric for the tops -- no national, religious, or military symbols please 60"x80", 21" squares, or 11"squares
For more information, please contact the church office.
School Kits
A school kit may provide the only supplies for children returning to school after the disruption of war. School kits help parents continue their children's education, even while living in a refugee camp, for example. A school kit may also be used in adult literacy classes.
Members of the Rebecca Circle create LWR School Kits on behalf of Faith Lutheran Church. You can participate, too, by donating any of the following items (no national or religious symbols, please), or by creating a school kit of your own using the detailed instructions found here.
If donating items, bring them to the church office marked "Rebecca Circle School Kits".
Padded or spiral notebooks of ruled paper approximately 8" X 10-1/2" totaling 150-200 sheets (if using 70-count notebooks, please include four); do not include loose-leaf paper
One blunt scissors (safety scissors with embedded steel blades work well)
One 30-centimeter ruler, or a ruler with centimeters on one side and inches on the other
One pencil sharpener
Five new, unsharpened #2 pencils with erasers; secure together with a rubber band
One eraser approximately 2-1/2" long
One box of 16 or 24 crayons
One sturdy cloth bag approximately 12" X 14" with cloth handles or drawstring closure
Five black or blue ball-point pens