bible studies and Small Groups

Small groups and ministry teams provide places where you can be heard, feel valued, cared for, and accepted. It's an excellent way to meet new friends and feel connected. We have many opportunities for you to experience a small group. The following is a list of some of the small groups at Faith.


10:00am Worship (Sanctuary)

11:30AM BELL CHOIR (Family Room/Chapel)

11:30am Bible Study/Adult Forum (3 Door Room)

Leaders and topics vary during the year.

11:30AM (2nd Sundays) Love Well Book Club (RM5)

Join Rev. Brenda Satrum for this monthly book discussion.


10:30am second monday Luncheon (fellowship)

An open, casual gathering of new and old friends for conversation, games, and a light lunch. Also features a 30 minute presentation from local experts and celebs…


7:30am Tuesday Sandwich Club (Kitchen)

Make sandwiches for distribution at Community Lifeline

9:00am Intercessory Prayer (Family Room/Chapel)

Meet for a time of shared prayers and intercessions

1:00pm Pinochle Club (1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month, Room 5)

New players are always welcome!


11:00am Pastor’s Bible Study (Zoom), w/ Pastor Doug

Prayer and fellowship, meeting via Zoom to read and discuss Bible, theology, and life.

1:00pm Good Grief Support group for widows (3DR)

3:00pm Faith Choir (Sanctuary)

6:00pm First Wednesday “Grub and Games” (Gym)

All ages gather for a community meal, conversation, and an evening of play. A joint collaboration with NAMI.

6:00pm 2nd, 3rd, and 4th wednesday Youth Group

Youth ages 10-18 meet in the gym for a light meal and spiritual conversations. Parents are welcome, too!

- Thursday - 

10:00am Sewing Saints (Sewing Room) Jan-May; Sept-Oct

Make quilts for Lutheran World Relief.

2:00pm Grief Support Group (3 Door Room)

Terry Oliver leads a weekly open group for anyone dealing with grief or loss.


8:30am men’s bible study

The men of Faith gather weekly for Bible Study, prayer, and friendship. And if someone needs help with a repair or yard project, these guys are the ones to call. Click here if you want receive the email that includes the texts to be discussed.

If you have any questions about these ministries, please contact the church office.