On Being Compassionate

 Mark 6:30-46 

Read the story found in Mark 6:30-46. It is a very familiar story for many. Upon reading it, whether for the first time or for the umpteenth time, one thing you must notice is the roll Jesus plays. The story of the feeding of the multitudes is filled with compassion shown by Jesus with the lesson Jesus teaches us about how to be his follower—compassionate for others.

Jesus demonstrates and asks us to reach deep within ourselves to rejuvenate that innate part of us called compassion. Here is what I am talking about!

University professor Dacher Keltner tells of various research done recently at the University of Wisconsin, Princeton University, and Emory University that finds our body has built in mechanisms that promote compassion. For instance, we have a hormone within us that floats through our bloodstream. This hormone promotes long-term bonds and commitments, as well as the kind of nurturing behavior that lies at the heart of compassion. Studies have shown that when people perform behaviors associated with compassionate love such as warm smiles, friendly hand gestures, affirmative forward leans toward another, the body produces more oxytocin, which self-perpetuates itself. This motivates us to be even more compassionate!

God made us! We have been given this wonderful gift called compassion. When we use it, it not only benefits others, it is good for us too! As Keltner says,

“This research has shown that when we feel compassion, our heart rate slows down, we secrete the ‘hormone’ oxytocin, and regions of the brain linked to empathy, caregiving, and feelings of pleasure light up, which often results in our wanting to approach and care for other people.”

Compassion does not put restrictions upon the “who.” In that crowd, Jesus didn’t feed only the morally good, or only those who were of his religious type, or only those who thought like he did, or only those who he liked. Jesus shared himself and the food with the crowd—all and each of them. Some didn’t get more than others—all got all that they needed. With that kind of compassion we are to live! 

Prayer: Lord, help me to feel the compassion for others. Thank you for this inborn gift for ministry.  Amen

Song: Chorus of “Jesu, Jesu, Fill Us with Your Love”—from Ghana             

Jesu, Jesu, fill us with your love,
Show us how to serve the neighbors we have from you.


Tyger Penson     2018