May we be the bread that feeds others, the bread that radiates with the aroma of hope and life, the bread that reflects Jesus, the Bread of Life.
Light of Christ
I Am...
Peace on Earth
Not Everything is Alright!
Forgiveness is Powerful Stuff
If Only I Hadn't Said That...
Yet, with this same tongue, I can tell someone “I love you!” I can lift a person who is stressed out, tell others of their goodness, ask forgiveness for a wrong I have done, and share the story of God as I have experienced God with a friend. With the tongue I can pray to God and praise God in word or song. What a wonderful gift the tongue truly is!
God comes to Abraham (age 99) saying, “I am God Almighty; walk before me, and be blameless.” God tells him his plan—I have a surprise for you! I will make a covenant with you. God’s side of the agreement is that Abram and Sarai with new names, new land to this nomadic couple to be passed down to their ancestors, and Sarai will become pregnant, the mother of many nations.
Church of Forgiven Sinners
There it is! We are a people who have experienced God in our life or a people who are seeking to know God and wanting to experience God’s mercy and forgiveness and care. Sure, we are far from perfect. God knows that too! Todd, my husband, and Lutheran pastor, once said, “If it weren’t for sin, I’d be out of business as a pastor!”
One Step at a Time
The first time I took a real hike in the mountains was when our church youth group was going backpacking and camping at Twin Lakes above Darrington, Washington. I so wanted to be able to just “do it” and not look too much like a novice. So, I took off at a good speed and all was going well until I felt I couldn’t keep going anymore. I stopped to get my breath, leaning over, really spent of energy. The Boy Scout leader accompanying us, came up to me, put his hand on my heaving back and simply said, “You’ll do just fine. Just remember to take one step at a time!”