
Genesis 18:1-15

We are traveling to and from Colorado and presently are at one of our favorite spots in Rocky Mountain National Park (see picture). Here I am inspired by the beauty of God’s creation. Our travels take us to many places we enjoy, so when we arrive at a given location, we find our favorite hiking trail, restaurant, or hotel. We do some of the things we have experienced before at this place because they give us pleasure or adventure or knowledge or inspiration.

So it is as I read the Bible. We are now in Genesis and there are certain people or events that are embedded in my memory and heart. Today, we can visit Abraham and Sarah. Abraham and Sarah were in for some big surprises and a bit of laughter as well.

God comes to Abraham (age 99) saying, “I am God Almighty; walk before me, and be blameless.” God tells him his plan—I have a surprise for you! I will make a covenant with you. God’s side of the agreement is that Abram and Sarai with new names, new land to this nomadic couple to be passed down to their ancestors, and Sarai will become pregnant, the mother of many nations.

Abraham laughs, that’s incredulous! Can a 100-year-old man and a 90-year-old wife bear a child? You must be talking about Ishmael, right God? No, says God, Sarah will be the mother and you will name your child Isaac (means to laugh). Sarah will give birth a year from now! Then Sarah laughs too at the very thought of it all!

I love this passage. Abraham and Sarah are so like us. They trust God yet they can’t believe what God tells and promises them. What would happen to us if we had the faith and gumption of Abraham and Sarah? Trust God. God has a plan for you and for me. Following that plan will bring a God-led life full of surprises, adventures, and even laughter.

Prayer: Open my ears, my heart, my eyes to what you have in store for me, Lord God. Amen.