
Genesis 48:15-16 (25-50)

As Jacob was dying, he blessed Joseph, saying:
The God before whom my ancestors Abraham and Isaac walked,
The God who has been my shepherd all my life to this day,
The angel who has redeemed me from all harm, bless the boys;
And in them let my name be perpetuated, and the name of my ancestors Abraham and Isaac;
And let them grow into a multitude on the earth
.” (48:15-16)

We try to drive to Colorado each year to see “the rest of the family.” We look forward to this event. It is a time to share stories, laugh together, show our love, and be a support for one another. Each year there are changes that have taken place: new relationships, marriages, deaths, new grandchildren, a new home or job or challenge. We include trips to favorite spots or homes where we once resided, enjoy the scenery enroute, and return home filled with memories, heartaches (sometimes), and always thankfulness for family.

The second half of the book of Genesis involves the family history of Jacob. It is a story that spans the centuries of ancestors on each side of his life. The narrative tells of births, love, marriages, perseverance, compassion and reconciliation, blessings, and prophecies. These are the good parts. But it also records times of favoritism, bribery, deceit, fear, and anger. Family members are involved in conniving, jealousy, hatred, rape, incest, and prostitution that bring pain and suffering. Jacob mourns the loss of Joseph, suffers through drought and the shortage of food for his family.

Every emotion, every struggle, every challenge in a family resides here. This extended story tells of the highs and lows of Jacob’s big family. Yet at the end, Jacob blesses Joseph and “the boys” that they may prosper and “grow into a multitude on the earth.”

Families. Sometimes they are difficult, yet always a blessing. A family may be dysfunctional or difficult, just like the families in the Bible. God gives us family so that we are not alone, have people to care about, protect, and forgive when they behave other than what God would have them be. Give God thanks. Do your best to bring goodness and hope to those you love—to your family.

Prayer: Thank you God for my family. Thank you for the precious gifts they give daily. Thank you for the love we share. Forgive us when we fail one another or do things that hurt another. Amen.