2 John
This extremely short letter to “a lady” is worth a read. Obviously, this “elect lady” is the head of the Christian believers in the community. Perhaps she has reached out to John with the dilemma of how to deal with some folks in the neighborhood who are preaching a disturbing message. Perhaps some in the church community are being wooed away from some basic principles of the Gospel.
This wrong message is apparently that of Gnosticism for this group. Gnostics do not believe that Jesus is God’s Son—both God and man. Yet it seems that these neighbors are getting into the minds of the believers, into their “house”. What should be done?
It seems to be a double message is being sent here. On one hand, John reminds the recipient of this letter that as Christians we are to follow the commandment to love one another. We have heard this directive repeatedly! Show justice and mercy and respect to each other. That is Christian love.
Yet, we must be careful we do not entangle ourselves with those who teach another gospel, who try to persuade us to leave behind what we believe and follow a foreign teaching. We can listen to their opinion but not give in to what we know is not true. We should not follow a pied piper of a false way of living or believing.
This message is relevant then and now. It may not be Gnosticism that is threatening our faith but there are many temptations in our world to draw us away from our Christian center and follow “the world” or “the newest trend,” the “latest fad” or “the loudest voice”. The advice of John to the “elect lady and her children” is for us also. Let us love one another with patience, respect, and justice. But beware of those people who teach a different gospel or try to entice us with worldly interests. Refrain from letting them get into our “house heart” and bring destruction to our souls. Stand strong in your faith and love one another! That’s it!
Prayer: Lord, help us to discern your teachings and your Word of life. Help us to love one another. Amen