Luke 23:34
Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.”
Bringing my sandwich to an outdoor table, a mature woman at a nearby table was in deep conversation. As I was sitting down, she said, “I know I should forgive her, but I won’t. I just can’t! Roger is more willing to let go of it but I just…”
How sad. She did not appear to be a happy person. A non-forgiving spirit will not bring peace or happiness. The only person she is hurting is herself, and perhaps the relationship she has with her husband.
What would she feel if she was the one who had “blown it” and ruptured relationships? What about God?
I’ve often wondered what it would be like if every time I messed up really bad, if I did what made God very unhappy, I discovered God saying, “Sorry! I know I should forgive you but I won’t. Live with it!”
Since Jesus is the revelation of God in human form, I turn to see what Jesus does. People ran him out of town (Luke 4:28-30) when he said and did things that caused them to be “filled with rage.” Yet Jesus continued to show them how God loves and accepts them.
Judas betrays him with a kiss and hands him over to his enemies (Luke 22:47-54). In response, Jesus doesn’t draw a sword but when a soldier arresting him has his ear cut off, Jesus heals it. Peter, that solid and bold disciple betrayed him, claiming he did not know this Jesus, but because of forgiveness, Peter becomes a major leader in the church in the days following Jesus’ ascension.
From the cross, Jesus cries, “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34). Sometimes, we forgive because God asks us to. There is no need to reason why the other does what he/she does. Jesus taught his disciples to pray “And forgive us our sins, for we ourselves forgive everyone indebted to us” (Luke 11:4). Forgive, forgive, forgive is what Jesus says.
Where do you stand on the issue of forgiveness? Which of the following identify you: “I will forgive, or I won’t forgive, or I can’t forgive. Seek God’s help to be a forgiving person.
Prayer: Lord, I know that I need to forgive and to accept forgiveness. My pride stands in the way. My feelings have been hurt. Holy Spirit of God, enter into me, ply my heart and give me the courage to forgive. Amen.
Song: “God, When Human Bonds Are Broken” by Fred Kaan, 1989 Hope Publishing Co. ELW 603
God! When human bonds are broken and we lack the love or skill
to restore the hope of healing, give us grace and make us still.
Through that stillness, with your Spirit come into our world of stress,
for the sake of Christ forgiving all the failures we confess.
Lane Penson 2-8-17