Mark 11:1-10

My most memorable Palm Sunday celebrations come from living in Liberia, Africa. On Palm Sunday morning, a nucleus of singers and church leaders gathered at Phoebe Hospital with drums and long palm branches. From there, around 7 a.m., the procession began with drums playing and singers singing, moving from one member’s home to another. Out of their huts came young and old to join the march, palm branches waving. From one village to another, the singing and gathering would take place. Those who were in the adjoining homes would hear the good news being sung, witness the joyful procession, and sometimes join in. Around 9:30 or 10 a.m. the by now long procession would return down the main road to the worship center at Phoebe Hospital and the worship would begin! I remember one year when red ants ran up and down my palm branch, nibbling at my arms, making the carrying of it a challenge, to say the least!

When I recall the Palm Sunday event, repeated year after year, I realize it was a powerful witness to the Christian gospel. We were telling the story of God’s love through song and action to everyone in each of those villages!

Perhaps we can celebrate Palm Sunday this year thanking God for the many ways we have found to bring God’s message of love and hope to people throughout this past year. We may not have been able to worship God in traditional ways inside church buildings, join processions, plan Easter breakfasts, or even gather for studies and prayer. But our pastors and leadership have found creative ways to go to our villages and homes through YouTube, Facebook, and a multitude of other ways to tell the story of God’s love through Jesus that leads us to the Resurrection. Just like those men and women singing and dancing their way through the villages of Liberia, there are some new folks who are hearing the message and responding in wonderful ways.

A few days ago, I saw a huge sign:


Today I saw another sign saying:


Think about it! We begin with God’s story of bringing in a new way of knowing and understanding God. We call it Christmas, the “Joy to the World” time in the middle of the winter. When spring breaks forth with new flowers, we celebrate Easter—the fulfillment of God’s revelation and saving power in Jesus—the rest of the story. It is no wonder that we sing and dance and participate in processions and worship the Living God who loves us each so much. It happens even before that wondrous day comes—when we wave branches and sing joyfully with hope like those early followers of Jesus on that Palm Sunday—the day that brings in the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus!

Let the processions continue through the year when we celebrate and invite and share the good news of Jesus, God’s special way of showing us who God is and what wondrous life God has prepared for us!

Prayer: Joy to the World—You have come!

Alleluia—You lead the way! You are risen, alleluia!

God in Jesus, help us share this good news with everyone. Amen.