We don’t always win, even if we are right. Life is not fair all the time. What does count is the way we handle the unfairness, the difficulties, and the attitudes we develop when we face that which makes no sense to us at all!
I also give thanks to God for all land and its fruitfulness. I give thanks for those who bend their backs to pick the berries, harvest the vegetables, and do the hard labor of picking fruit and planting crops. It is hard work. The work must go on even in the very hot sun, a soaking rain, or a frost-covered morning. Most of us forget the process that precedes our buying the produce in the stores or at the roadside stands. Have you thanked God for the wonders of our world and the food God provides? Have you recently said thanks to those who labor for our food? This Labor Day weekend, we say thanks to all who labor and toil in so many industries and physical jobs to make our lives better.
Forgetting God
I am lonely
Reflecting on Work
Let the Little Children Come
As we gather back into the sanctuary again, let us encourage the children to be part of the worship, the fellowship, the mission, and the ministry of our church. Children of all ages have much to offer. Learn from them, model for them, and accept them for who they are. Together, we can discover and experience God’s Kingdom on earth.
The Voice and Presence of God
It is Good!
In God's Image (not mine!)
Whether we are in an emergency room or worshipping at Faith Lutheran Church, buying groceries at Fred Meyer or gardening in our backyard, we are “somebodies” whom God loves—scarred, broken, imperfect people—children of God. God wants all of us to be “people lifters”—lifting one another up—affirming each other’s gifts, NOT judging others, or thinking we are better than they are. Paul puts it this way: “Therefore, children of God, be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ has forgiven you.”